Friday, May 1, 2009

on the road again

Sorry for the lack of pics...a lot of mine came back fuzzy and I'm yet to get Mr Fix-It's to post. This weekend we are headed south for the wedding of Mr. Fix-It's college roomate. I'm having a delimma trying to decide what to wear...i think I'm settling on a dress from Ann Taylor time to post pics of that either...gotta get my heiny moving so I can hit the road!

What are you ladies up to this weekend?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weekend Plans

I'm about to hit the road...I have a super fun weekend ahead of me!

My first stop is Macon for the 81st Georgia FFA Convention! FFA is a youth organization that teaches students leadership skiils and career skills relating to agriscience. I taught agriculture last year and am going back into the classroom again (Lord willing) in the fall. I'm so excited to see my college friends from across the state that I don't get to see as much anymore! Everytime I go to convention I still feel as excited as I did the first time I went in 9th grade!

Friday afternoon after I judge a speaking event at convention I'm hopping back in the silver bullet and treking to the ATL to catch a flight to spend the weekend with Mr. Fix-It in Baltimore! We're going to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, the Rocky steps, Love Park and of course we've gotta have cheesesteak! I'm so excited and can't wait to post pics!

Have a fun weekend everybody!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I think my interview today went well. I did have one answer that I wish I could take back but overall I felt like I represented myself well. I really liked the principal and think he would be a great person to work for. They are suppossed to narrow the field to two candidates and then those two candidates will be interviewed a second time. I'm a little concerned about the possibility of a second interview. They were pretty thorough in this one and I just can't imagine what else they want to know!

I was tagged with an award by Miss Perfectly Pleasant!

She's a newbie...go check out her blog, you won't be disappointed!

The goals of this award are:

1)As a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.

2)To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.

3)Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.

4)Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.

5)Answer the awards question by writing the reason why you love blogging.

6)Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.

7)Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

I've been blogging hit or miss for a while...I really enjoy it because it gives me a space to get my thoughts out and I can get advice from people who are totally removed from my situations. Plus, everyone is just so darn cute and friendly :)

I tag Kelly @ It's Not Easy Being Me

Coming out of hibernation

So, I took an unexpected leave from blogging. School was crazy and I just needed to focus. But I'm back with good news...I have a job interview today! It's with a school that is literally 5 mins from my house. It's in the same system I taught last year but is a high school interview is at 1:30 - I'd appreciate the prayers! Hopefully I will return later today with good news!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baltimore Bound!

This weekend I am going to visit Mr. Fix-It in Baltimore! Anyone ever visited the city> Suggesstions on where to go? I think we are going to go to the U.S.S Constellation, Ft. McHenry and the National Aquarium...any other ideas?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jelly Legs

I. Can't. Move.

Since the weather has been so glorious over the past few days - 70 degrees in february, I'll take it!- I have decided to get outside and get active. And by get active I mean jog two miles. Did I mention I haven't really jogged or exercised since probably October? Unless running to the kitchen for another piece of cake counts...

I have however slept quite soundly the past few nights.

Monday, February 9, 2009

We belong in the Zoo!

What a wonderful weekend! Mr. Fix-It was home this weekend! Friday night we had dinner with his parents and then went shopping and out for drinks. Saturday morning Mr. Fix-It endeared himself to me...we went to the zoo! I have lived my whole life no more than 2 hrs from the ATL and had never been to Zoo Atlanta. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and it was a great day to be outside. The only battery in my camera was dead so no pics :( But we got to see the new baby pandas and fun critters like meerkats, flamingos, and oranguntans, which might have just been my favorite. They came up to the window and were watching the visitors watching them :) The lion was very vocal that day and ran a close second as my fave!

After we left the zoo we went to the cyclorama, which depicts the Battle of Atlanta. Mr. Fix-It had never been which I found hard to believe because he is a HUGE civil war buff.

That afternoon we met my BFF and took her sweet pup Izzy to the park for awhile and then went to dinner. Such a fun day!

Sunday we went to church and just chilled with his family. I had gone to church with my parents for the past 2 weekends so it was good to get back to our church and worship together. All in all a great, although too short, weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I have been a very bad blogger! School this semester is kicking my tail! So glad I decided to do grad school full time and not try to teach at the same time...I might have gone crazy! I haven't had much blog worthy in my life anyway, just spending lots o' time with the fam when I'm not in school.

I am uber excited because Mr. Fix-It gets to come home tonight! The past 2 weeks haven't been as bad as I thought they might be thanks to the busy school schedule. I think we might be going to see the Bodies exhibit in the ATL this weekend - I have been begging him to go to this! I am a science nerd!

Kelly at It's Not Easy Being Me tagged folks to post pics...thought I'd indulge. Kelly is wonderful! Her hubby was my high school ag teacher / mentor - love them!

This is me and a piggy during my student teaching days. I was involved in FFA throughout high school and got my degree in agricultural education. I'm giving Petunia a haircut to get her ready to go into the showring...I miss these days!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Leavin' on a jet plane...

Or driving 10 hours...either way, Mr. Fix-It is officially in Baltimore. Suprisingly, I was not as sad as I thought I would be. It isn't like we won't see each other, either. Although the way his mother was acting this morning you'd think that he was never going to return.I'm looking forward to getting my fill of girl time in while he's away. I can already tell he's homesick though. Looks like I will be sending some "southern comfort" care packages north soon!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm alive

Hello friends! I've been MIA lately due to a nasty cold and lots of schoolwork. I have enjoyed reading your blogs though I haven't been commenting with regularity. Yesterday I was enjoying a little siesta when Mr. Fix-It called to tell me he had to work today and wouldn't be coming home but that I he would love some company in Augusta. As my BFF Tay put it, it was a "no-booty, booty call" I threw a bag together in record time and flew like a bat outta hades down there. We went to dinner at Takosushi with Mr. Fix-It's college roomate and his grilfriend and then went to see Grand Torino, which I recommend! All in all, a very fun night, worth an interrupted nap!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday thoughts

I got a call this morning that my lab results came back negative! Whew! I wasn't too concerned but it is great to get that news!

Today we had our first Global Seminar class. This semester we are linked through video conference to campuses in Unide, Italy, Boku Vienne and Japan! It was really cool to see how similar all college students are, no matter where in the world. We were all kinda like little kids waving at each other!

Today is the kind of day that makes me miss teaching! All my friends are at the camp ( which is only like 30 minutes from my house so I could reasonably got visit) for Mid-Winter Conference. I miss my peeps! I'll leave with a pic from the good ol' days.
This was the week before graduation. We took a "senior trip" to PCB. I love these girls!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Full swing

Classes are a week old and back in full swing - hence my absence from blogging. I've had a busy busy week! I'm taking a math class....pray for me. I don't have a head for numbers at all! It's going well though. I adore my professor - she is super cute and has great style! Most of my classes are online though so that's nice.

Monday I went to the dermatologist to have an evaluation. I have a high risk for skin cancer so I figured I should start going for a yearly visit. The doc found three abnormalities and removed them for biopsy. I'm not too nervous about them but if y'all would say a quick prayer that everything is ok I'd appreciate it!

It is way too cold to be GA! There is the chance for snow this weekend! Snow would be so much fun but we usually get a "wintery mix" and thats just sloppy and gross. I'm personally praying for a warm front to move back in!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend was fun! I was so happy to learn that I get to have Mr. Fix-It for one last weekend before he transfers to Baltimore! Friday night when he got home we chilled on the sofa and watched the first of the original star wars movies because I had never seen them and he thought that was crazy - he's a fan. Suprisingly, I was too. I'm going to watch them all because it does seem slightly un-american not to.

Saturday was rainy so we once again stayed put and watched movies all day. That night, I met my BFF Taylor for dinner and drinks and then we went to see Colt Ford in concert. I have a confession to make. I have an inner redneck. I like country music, jacked up loud trucks, drinkin a cold beer and country boys. I didn't think I was going to like the concert but the inner redneck came out and I had a blast! His music is just hilarious!

Today we had a wonderful church service and this evening I made chicken and dumplings for dinner. De-lish. Hope y'all have a fab Monday!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Mr. Fix-IT won't be going to Baltimore until NEXT week! I'm so stinkin excited to have another weekend with him! Although this whole first he's going, then he isn't thing is about to drive us both crazy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why do you torment me?

Seriously TV execs...way to have the first new Grey's in a month of Sundays scheduled on the same night as the National Championship game. I understand that viewers of the two are usually very different but c'mon! Guess I'll be catching up online tomorrow...can't miss the last college football game of the year!

GO SEC!!!!!!!!!...I'm a DAWG...thats as close as I can get to cheering for UF. :)
On another football note - Stafford and Knowshon decided to go pro. Can't say I blame 'em. People talk about loyalty when a guy decides to enter the draft but seriously, if I had the choice between $35 million and staying at question. I will however miss this:
and this

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Glass half empty

Mr. Fix-It found out Monday that he will be transferred to a new job site in Baltimore on Monday. I knew this was coming but it is going to be harder on me than I think. I have kept a good attitude about it and I'm super supportive of him going but I'm going to miss him so much! He has made such great progress in such a short amount of time in his career and I couldn't be more proud. While we aren't married he should go ahead and take advantage of any opportunity he can. There is absolutely ZERO commercial construction going on in Georgia right now and what few large jobs there are have so many companies competing for them it's ridiculous! I'm just grateful he has such a great job and has made such fast progress.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Goals

Have I mentioned I suck at blogging? Oh, you already noticed that? Well, glad we got that out of the way.

Thats one of my goals for the year! I hope to post something new every day. My other goals include:

  • To have at least a 20 minute quiet time every day, reading my Bible, praying and actually writing out a list of confessions every day. I was reading Mark Batterson's blog a few days ago and he talked about how most times we take the easy way out and just pray for forgiveness without analyzing what we need to be forgiven for. Thus we make the same mistakes time and time again. Pretty small thing that I think will make an INCREDIBLE difference.
  • To get a 4.0 in my grad school classes. Classes resume Thursday.
  • To exercise daily. Got in a 2 mile jog today, hoping to do that every day with some strength training built in.
  • To drink 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Eliminate coke / starbucks
  • Find a job! With a hiring freeze for teachers going into effect, this might pose a problem.
Here's hoping 2009 is full of blessings!