Thursday, February 5, 2009


I have been a very bad blogger! School this semester is kicking my tail! So glad I decided to do grad school full time and not try to teach at the same time...I might have gone crazy! I haven't had much blog worthy in my life anyway, just spending lots o' time with the fam when I'm not in school.

I am uber excited because Mr. Fix-It gets to come home tonight! The past 2 weeks haven't been as bad as I thought they might be thanks to the busy school schedule. I think we might be going to see the Bodies exhibit in the ATL this weekend - I have been begging him to go to this! I am a science nerd!

Kelly at It's Not Easy Being Me tagged folks to post pics...thought I'd indulge. Kelly is wonderful! Her hubby was my high school ag teacher / mentor - love them!

This is me and a piggy during my student teaching days. I was involved in FFA throughout high school and got my degree in agricultural education. I'm giving Petunia a haircut to get her ready to go into the showring...I miss these days!


Anonymous said...

We love you too!

jlc said...

Haha! Ohhhh I love that pic!

I LOVED doing my student teaching but kinda jealous you got to do that as well. ;)

Leesa said...

I always liked going through the competitions, looking at which animal won the prizes.