Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Find it is!

Has anyone else ever felt like this? I'm currently taking a Calculus class that is kicking my tail! I hate numbers...unless they are telling me that a fabulous pair of shoes are on sale or that I have a surplus in the bank account...I KNOW without a doubt I'll never use it...and I get frustrated so easily with it. I have a test on Friday so if you could send some positive vibes my way that would be grand!

Speaking of frustrated...I'm getting that way with the long distance thing with Mr. Fix-IT (the boyfriend). With him working in the AUG right now our only way to stay connected is our daily chats but neither of us have anything interesting to say. I write papers all day and he plays in the dirt. Every day's covo is the same:

How was your day?
Fine, how was yours?
It was good. Insert dull ( occassionally interesting tidbit here) Did you do anything exciting?
Not naseum

We miss each other and talking at least makes me feel connected but I've never been the type to sit and listen to someone breathe or just go about their daily routine. Not cool.

For now, its time to go crunch more (imaginary) numbers.


Hollie said...

i know what you mean about talking on the phone! i hate it!
tell me what you need to tell me and then I'm done!

Hope your math class gets better for you!


Hi there. Just stumbled across your blog. That pic was hilarious!! Im horrible at Math!!! Hope our little ones inherit my future hubby's brains!!