Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Flashback, the early years. This was sophomore year, which was probably the best year of college. All my friends had transferred to UGA and no one had graduated yet. All these girls were my Sigma Alpha sisters. Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority. I was never big into the sisterhood thing but it did help me keep in touch with lots of high school friends from across the state in FFA and 4-H. The 3 girls to my right are "the girls". We all met through FFA in high school and clicked when we came to college. All of us ended up being ag teachers so now even though we're spread throughout the state we still get to see each other at least once a month, even if it is at work.

Check out the hair! (or maybe dont!) I made a horrible mistake of having short hair for a while...not a good idea...this was the awkward growing out stage...ick!

I'm also a fan of the 2 girls faces on the right...they are obviously disgusted...i guess the dawgs weren't playing so great at the time.

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